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Cold & Flu Season

Nobody likes getting sick or feeling under the weather. Today’s viral and bacterial infections are increasingly complex and threatening.


Live healthier and take a PROACTIVE approach to warding off colds and flu.


The Centers for Disease Control recommends you consider a FLU Vaccination. There are several new flu vaccines that are created every year with different flu subtypes according to what experts predict will be the flu this year. Immunizations can be made from dead viruses or live weakened viruses and they work by exposing your immune system to the flu virus. Your body will build up antibodies to the viral components to protect you from getting the flu. From the CDC website,


“Recent studies show that flu vaccination reduces the risk of flu illness by between 40% and 60% among the overall population during seasons when most circulating flu viruses are well-matched to the flu vaccine. In general, current flu vaccines tend to work better against influenza B and influenza A(H1N1) viruses and offer lower protection against influenza A(H3N2) viruses.”  


Some people who get the vaccine may still get the flu, but they may get a milder case than those who aren’t vaccinated.


Getting your flu vaccination from a single-dose vial will avoid exposure to the mercury preservative thimerosal. This page lists which vaccines have mercury in the form of thimerosal.  


The Flumist® intranasal flu vaccine contains live, weakened viruses and may have some theoretical advantage for immune health over the shots which contain dead viruses, preservatives, or genetically produced viral products.


Information regarding vaccine safety and vaccine adverse event reporting can be found at this page from the CDC.



  1. Immuflex 3-6 (1 capsule) daily – this Whole Glucan Particle of 3-6 Beta glucans supports the targeting ability of the immune system. 
  2. Wash Your Hands – Most cold and flu viruses are spread by direct contact, so wash your hands often using soap and warm water.
  3. Don’t touch your face – Colds and flu viruses enter your body through the eyes, nose or mouth. 
  4. Drink Plenty of Fluids – 70% of your body is water and even mild dehydration shifts enzyme efficiency. 
  5. Take a Sauna – Studies have found people who steamed twice a week got fewer colds than those who didn’t.
  6. Avoid Direct Contact with People Who are Sick. If you must mingle with the ill, consider using a facemask.
  7. Don’t Smoke – Statistics show that smokers get more frequent and severe colds. If this is a challenge for you please discuss with your doctor at MaxWell Clinic.
  8. Meditate – Research has shown that just 20 minutes of mindfulness meditation practice a day can reduce the frequency, length and severity of cold & flu symptoms as well as provide general mental health benefits.
  9. Exercise – Studies of individuals who exercised for 20-40 minutes each day saw as much as a decrease in the severity of cold and flu symptoms along with a stronger immune response improving the length of total time feeling ill.
  10. Get Plenty of Rest – Sleep deprivation may make you more vulnerable to flu and other viruses.
  11. Cover Your Mouth & Nose When Coughing or Sneezing – Use a tissue to help prevent passing germs to those around you.


Colds and Flu are caused by viruses. Antibiotics will not treat your cold or flu; antibiotics do not kill viruses, and they should be used for bacterial complications such as sinus or ear infections. Overuse of antibiotics has become a very serious problem, leading to a resistance in disease causing bacteria that may render antibiotics ineffective for certain conditions. 


Symptoms of the cold and flu can be similar. Cold symptoms are generally milder than flu symptoms. A stuffy nose, sore throat, and sneezing are usually signs of a cold. Tiredness, fever, headache, and major aches and pains probably mean you have the flu. Coughing can be a sign of either a cold or the flu, but a bad cough usually points to the flu.


FLU vs. COLDS: A Guide to Symptoms

Onset of illness sudden slow
Fever high no or mild
Exhaustion level severe mild
Head achy headache free
Appetite decreased normal
Muscles achy fine
Chills present absent











Treatment of Viral Symptoms

At the beginning of feeling unwell the supplements that we frequently use to support immune function are:

Viragraphis (1 capsule) 3 times a day

Urgen-C (3 capsules) 3 times a day 

We Continue this regimen until the ick is gone for at least 2 days.


Other Immune Supporting Supplements include:

C Complex™


Zinc Glycinate™


If you can come to the clinic within the first 48 hours of your illness, your provider may prescribe an antiviral medication (such as Tamiflu) that can ease flu symptoms and shorten the course of the infection, but only if it’s given within 48 hours of the onset.


Follow the previously mentioned preventative measure. These will boost your immune system, decrease the duration of the illness, help with symptom control and prevent spreading of the disease.


Stay home from work or school while you are symptomatic. This will prevent the spread of disease to your friends and co-workers.


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